Monday, February 8, 2010


Hi everyone.. We hope you guys clear about the types of sexual harassment. Now, let's move to our next post about sexual harassment in education and the effects of sexual harassment on victims.

Sexual harassment in education

Sexual harassment is common at every stage of education. Verbal and physical harassment begins in elementary school, and 4 out of 5 children experience some form of sexual harassment or bullying. Sexual harassment is also common in higher education. In the Report Card on Gender Equity, the National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education (NCWGE) reported that 30 percent of undergraduate students, and 40 percent of graduate students, have been sexually harassed. Sexual harassment by teachers and professors does occur and this can have serious, sometimes devastating, consequences for the recipient. Indeed, this type of sexual harassment can have the most serious consequences of all because Education is one of the few arenas where victims (students) have absolutely no power, and no advocates. Approximately 15% of students will be sexually abused by a member of the school staff during their school career. In a survey of high school graduates, 17.7% of males and 82.2% of females reported sexual harassment by faculty or staff during their school careers. Approximately 14% of those surveyed said they had engaged in sexual intercourse with a teacher. In a survey conducted by the AAUW in 2000, it was reported that roughly 290, 000 students had been targeted for physical sexual abuse by school employees between 1991 and 2000.

The causes of sexual harassment and exploitation by teachers and professors can be complex. Relationships between students and teachers are often quite intimate and intense, particularly in higher education where so many students work closely with their professors. Students share common passions and interests with their teachers, and are dependant on their teachers' approval for academic success, opportunities, and career success. They will talk to their teachers about personal issues, such as problems at home, or with boyfriends/girlfriends. Teachers often relish the admiration they receive from their students, and they can grow accustomed to the power they have in the relationship. Such closeness can blur the professional boundaries and lead people--both school employee and student alike--to step over the line.

Many believe it is the power imbalance between students and teachers that is the primary cause for harassment by teachers. Teachers have as much power as parents because their authority can have such pronounced impact not only on a student's current quality of life, but on their entire future, as well, even into adulthood. Stop Educator Sexual Abuse and Misconduct (S.E.S.A.M.E.) promotes a strong statement regarding sexual contact between students and teachers: "SESAME believes the power imbalance between a teacher and student (of any age) creates a climate that can facilitate sexual exploitation behavior by the teacher, behavior that is psychologically equivalent to incest."

A survey conducted by the AAUW (2006) on sexual harassment at colleges and universities, the AAUW reported :

· 62% and of female college students and 61% of male college students report having been sexually harassed at their university.

· 66% of college students know someone who was harassed.

· 80% of reported sexual harassment is peer-to-peer

· 51% of male college students admit to sexually harassing someone in college, with 22% admitting to harassing someone often or occasionally.

· 31% of female college students admit to harassing someone in college.

(Source :

The Effects of Sexual Harassment on the Victim

The effects of sexual harassment vary from person to person, and are contingent on the severity, and duration, of the harassment. However, sexual harassment is a type of sexual assault, and victims of severe or chronic sexual harassment can suffer the same psychological effects as rape victims.

Some of the effects a sexual harassment victim can experience:

· Decreased work or school performance as the victim must focus on dealing with the harassment and the surrounding dynamics and/or effects; psychological effects of harassment can also decrease work and school performance

· Increased absenteeism to avoid harassment, or because of illness from the stress

· Having to drop courses, or change academic plans; academic transcripts may be weakened because of decreased school performance

· Retaliation from the harasser, or colleagues/friends of the harasser, should the victim complain or file a grievance (retaliation can involve revenge along with more sexual harassment, and often involves stalking the complainant)

· Having one's personal life offered up for public scrutiny --the victim becomes the "accused," and their dress, lifestyle, and private life will often come under attack. (Note: this rarely occurs for the perpetrator.)

· Being objectified and humiliated by scrutiny and gossip

Some of the health effects, psychological and physiological, that can occur in someone who has been sexually harassed :

· Depression

· Anxiety and/or panic attacks

· Sleeplessness and/or nightmares

· Shame and guilt; self-blame

· Difficulty concentrating

· Headaches

In educational environments where sexual harassment is occurring, the impact IS : increased absenteeism by students to avoid harassment, increased student turnover as students leave to escape harassment; conflict amongst students when harassment is present; decreased productivity and performance, and/or decreased participation in school activities, as students must focus on, and strategize about, ways to deal with the harassment, or because of the psychological effects of harassment. The same loss of trust in the ethical standards of a company can also occur at school, leading students, staff, parents, and the general public can lose respect for, and trust in, the institution if nothing is done to improve the situation.

(Source :

So guys, give your opinion about sexual harassment in education and the effect of sexual harassment on the victims... Let’s share with us. Sharing is caring..;)


baini said...

ya. i agree...
most of the victims are women...
but in the other hand, men can also be the victim...hahahha...
but, how can a woman harassed a man?

wan nor baini

baini said...

forgot....and why there are many women subjected to sexual harassment and the person is students with the highest percentage-73%?cant believe it....

anna azieana said...

hye...i really agree with irma n baini..even men can also be the victims,maybe the effect not as much as is because man can defends theirself more than women and if they're not influenced by the haraser,nothing will happened right??huhuhu....
baini...student's shows the highest presentage maybe because their environment.They need to mix with a lot of people such as others students,lectures and maybe the workers in their,it will contribute to the such things which is hard to avoid..=)

wan azieana

mira said...

hmm...just w0ndering that we r students, s0 there's a big chance 4 us 2 b 1 0f d victims, right??
really scary...:(
s0 girls,lets register 2 d taekwando class n0w 2 defend us fr0m being harassed..huhu
n 1 advice 4 w0men, d0nt g0 anywhere al0ne, 0k?please bring ur friend 2gether with u. it is more safe!
like pe0ple said,prevent is better than cure!;)

nurul amira binti abdul basir

Yoke Teng said...

yah... i agree wv wat baini said..
it is possible 4 men
being sexually harassed by women or by other men...

yoke teng

anna azieana said...

hye girls...

owh,i really agree with u mira,as a women we should have something to protect ourself.if could plz spend your time to learn something like taekwando and etc 4 your own goodness..and one thing,please bring someone with you anywhere u go,so the such things will be avoided..hurm..

wan azieana bt wan azmadi